What is Microsoft SharePoint and its important features?

Microsoft SharePoint is an extensive platform designed to facilitate collaboration and streamline document management within organizations. It acts as a digital workspace where teams can store, share, and manage content efficiently, enabling better communication and productivity. With its evolution into cloud-based services and integration with AI, SharePoint continues to be a vital tool for businesses, adapting to the changing needs of the modern workplace. This article explores what SharePoint is, its important features, and the advantages it offers to users and developers alike.

Key Takeaways

  • SharePoint serves as a centralized platform for document management, collaboration, and workflow automation, enhancing business productivity.
  • It offers seamless integration with the Microsoft Office Suite, allowing for a cohesive work experience across various applications.
  • Customization and scalability are key features of SharePoint, making it adaptable to the specific needs of different organizations.
  • SharePoint’s search experiences and version control capabilities ensure efficient information retrieval and document management.
  • The platform’s architecture provides robust security and data redundancy, particularly in its cloud-based iteration, SharePoint Online.

Understanding Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft Sharepoint

Definition and Core Functions

Microsoft SharePoint is a versatile platform designed to facilitate collaboration and information sharing within organizations. At its core, SharePoint serves as a centralized location for storing, organizing, and accessing various types of documents and data. It integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products, enhancing its utility as a comprehensive tool for business operations.

The platform’s capabilities extend beyond simple file storage; SharePoint supports a range of functions including:

  • Document management and version control
  • Customizable web parts and dashboards
  • Workflow automation and notifications
  • Access control and security features
  • Integration with Microsoft Office applications

SharePoint’s flexibility allows it to be tailored to the specific needs of different teams and departments, making it an invaluable asset for companies looking to streamline their collaborative efforts and document management practices.

Evolution and Current Iterations

Since its inception, Microsoft SharePoint has undergone significant transformations, evolving from a simple document management tool to a comprehensive platform for collaboration and content management. The evolution of SharePoint reflects Microsoft’s commitment to innovation and meeting the needs of modern workplaces.

With each iteration, SharePoint has expanded its capabilities, integrating more closely with the broader Microsoft ecosystem. The transition from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, for example, brought enhanced social features and a shift towards a more user-friendly interface. The latest versions, including SharePoint 2016, 2019, and SharePoint Online, continue to build on this foundation, offering cloud-based services and advanced features that cater to a mobile and dispersed workforce.

SharePoint’s development is ongoing, with regular updates and new features being added. One notable update is the change in how software updates for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition are packaged, starting with the March 2023 public update.

It’s important for organizations to stay informed about these updates to ensure they are utilizing SharePoint to its fullest potential. The release notes on Microsoft Learn provide valuable insights into the latest changes and enhancements.

SharePoint Online vs. On-Premises

When deciding between SharePoint Online and On-Premises, it’s essential to understand the fundamental differences that can impact your business operations. SharePoint Online, hosted on Microsoft’s cloud data centers, eliminates the need for dedicated onsite hardware, offering a more streamlined setup. In contrast, SharePoint On-Premises requires the purchase and maintenance of dedicated hardware, placing the responsibility of updates, patches, and security squarely on your internal IT team.

SharePoint Online and On-Premises share similar basic functional coverage, but the choice between them hinges on your business’s unique needs for control, compliance, and complexity.

Here’s a quick comparison:

  • Dedicated Hardware: SharePoint Online uses Microsoft Cloud data centers, while SharePoint On-Premises needs onsite hardware.
  • Updates & Infrastructure: Updates are automatic with SharePoint Online, but manually handled for On-Premises.
  • Data Backups: Cloud-based for SharePoint Online, local network storage for On-Premises.
  • Data Security: SharePoint Online adheres to industry-specific standards, whereas On-Premises security is managed internally.
  • Costs: SharePoint Online is billed monthly per user as part of Microsoft 365, while On-Premises involves hardware purchase, upkeep, and license costs.

Key Features of SharePoint

Key Features of SharePoint

Document Management and Collaboration

Microsoft SharePoint Online serves as a robust platform for document management and collaboration, streamlining the way organizations handle their documents and enhance teamwork. With SharePoint, document lifecycles are efficiently managed, ensuring compliance and providing a centralized repository for easy access and retrieval.

  • Centralized Document Management: SharePoint’s document libraries offer versioning and permissions control, which are essential for maintaining document security and accountability.
  • Collaboration Tools: Built-in features facilitate real-time collaboration, allowing team members to work together seamlessly, regardless of their location.

SharePoint’s architecture supports a user-friendly environment for document management and collaboration, with features like user authentication and authorization that bolster both security and ease of use.

  • Electronic Document Management: Ensures all information is searchable and accessible, with automatic version control for tracking changes.
  • Workflow Enhancement: Users can create and manage workflows for daily tasks, improving efficiency and productivity.
  • Secure Access: Set profiles and permissions to ensure team members access only the data they need, maintaining data security.
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Integration with Microsoft Office Suite

SharePoint’s seamless integration with the Microsoft Office suite is a cornerstone of its functionality, enhancing user experience and productivity. Users can open and edit Office documents such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint directly within SharePoint. This integration facilitates real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously and save changes back to SharePoint.

The integration extends beyond document editing to include email management with Outlook, team communication via Microsoft Teams, and more. Here’s how SharePoint integrates with various Microsoft Office applications:

  • Word: Create and edit documents with advanced writing assistance.
  • Excel: Manage complex data with powerful spreadsheet tools.
  • PowerPoint: Design impactful presentations with ease.
  • Outlook: Organize emails, calendars, tasks, and contacts.
  • Microsoft Teams: Centralize communication and collaboration.

This integration not only streamlines workflows but also ensures that all data and resources are readily accessible, thus boosting productivity and simplifying processes.

Customization and Scalability

SharePoint’s ability to adapt to the diverse needs of businesses is one of its most compelling features. Customization options are vast, ranging from aesthetic modifications to the creation of custom web parts, workflows, and templates. This flexibility ensures that SharePoint can evolve alongside the changing demands of any organization.

Scalability is another cornerstone of SharePoint’s design. For SharePoint Online, Microsoft manages scalability, allowing the platform to grow with your business without the need for manual intervention. On the other hand, SharePoint On-Premises requires organizations to handle scalability, which can be a significant consideration for IT infrastructure planning.

SharePoint’s customization and scalability make it a robust solution for businesses seeking a platform that can accommodate growth and change.

Here’s a quick comparison of customization and scalability between SharePoint Online and On-Premises:

  • SharePoint Online: Limited customizations but integrates seamlessly with Azure services for expansion.
  • SharePoint On-Premises: Offers unlimited customizations but requires manual effort to scale and connect external users.

Search Experiences and Version Control

Microsoft SharePoint enhances the user’s ability to find information quickly and efficiently through its advanced search experiences. Users can leverage a variety of search filters and refiners to pinpoint the exact content they need, whether it’s within documents, lists, or site content. The search functionality is also smart enough to suggest relevant results based on past activities and user behavior.

Version control is a critical feature in SharePoint that provides a safety net for shared documents. With SharePoint version history, users can track changes, view different versions of a document, and restore previous versions if necessary. This is particularly useful in collaborative environments where multiple edits occur. Version history ensures that no information is lost and that all iterations of a document are accessible for review or rollback.

  • View and configure document versions
  • Track changes and manage edits
  • Restore previous document versions as needed

SharePoint’s version control system is not just about keeping a historical record; it’s about giving users the power to manage their content with confidence and precision.

SharePoint Architecture

Centralized Platform for Content Management

SharePoint serves as a centralized platform for content management, streamlining the way organizations handle their documents and information. It provides a single source of truth, where all documents are stored, organized, and managed in one location. This eliminates the need for multiple document versions and ensures that everyone accesses the most current data.

  • Centralized Document Management: SharePoint’s document libraries offer versioning and permissions control, enhancing security and accountability.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Built-in tools facilitate efficient teamwork, allowing for seamless collaboration across various projects.

SharePoint’s content governance includes management of the content lifecycle, access control, and security measures, addressing issues like over-sharing and content scatter.

By automating aspects of the content lifecycle, SharePoint ensures content is managed efficiently and remains compliant with organizational policies. The platform’s flexibility in customization allows it to adapt to the specific needs of each organization, providing optimized content delivery and intuitive use.

Workflow Automation and Document Collaboration

SharePoint’s workflow automation capabilities are a cornerstone of its architecture, enabling the creation of custom workflows to manage approvals, review processes, and document lifecycles. This automation not only saves time but also reduces errors and ensures consistency across business operations.

SharePoint’s integration with the Microsoft Office suite enhances document collaboration, allowing users to open and edit documents directly from SharePoint, collaborate in real-time, and save changes without hassle.

Document collaboration is further streamlined through best practices such as enabling co-authoring and using the check-in/check-out feature to manage document versions effectively. By implementing these practices, teams can work together more efficiently and with greater transparency.

  • Business Process Automation: Automate repetitive tasks like document approval and expense reimbursement.
  • Electronic Document Management: Ensure all information is searchable and manage version control automatically.
  • Secure Collaboration: Set profiles and permissions to control data access within the team.

Security and Data Redundancy

Ensuring the security and redundancy of data is a cornerstone of SharePoint’s architecture. Data backups and storage solutions are tailored differently for SharePoint Online and On-Premises, reflecting their unique operational environments. SharePoint Online benefits from Microsoft’s managed backups, albeit with certain limitations, while On-Premises deployments require a more hands-on approach from IT teams to create, test, and manage backups locally.

SharePoint’s data security measures are designed to maintain the integrity of critical business data. With the introduction of Microsoft 365 Backup, organizations can now leverage enhanced features to protect their data within the SharePoint ecosystem, including safeguards against ransomware attacks.

Data storage also varies between the two models, with SharePoint Online storing data in the cloud and On-Premises keeping it within the local network. This distinction influences not only the security protocols but also the cost efficiency and accessibility of archived content, which remains searchable and compliant with retention policies.

Advantages of Using SharePoint

Advantages of Using SharePoint

Enhanced Productivity and Communication

Microsoft SharePoint significantly boosts employee productivity by providing a user-friendly interface that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365 tools like Teams and OneDrive. This integration, enhanced by AI capabilities, allows employees to access necessary documents quickly and maintain focus on their tasks.

SharePoint’s collaboration tools are pivotal in enhancing communication within teams. Site owners can set up team sites featuring shared calendars, task lists, discussion boards, and document libraries, fostering an environment where project collaboration and idea sharing are streamlined.

The synergy between SharePoint’s document management and team collaboration tools not only simplifies processes but also fortifies communication channels, leading to a more cohesive and efficient workplace.

By automating workflows and optimizing business document processes, SharePoint ensures that all team members are kept in the loop, with all information readily accessible and searchable. This level of organization and accessibility is crucial for keeping pace with the dynamic demands of modern business environments.

Streamlined Business Processes

Microsoft SharePoint significantly enhances the efficiency of business operations by automating routine tasks and streamlining workflows. Business process automation is a cornerstone of SharePoint’s ability to transform the workplace. By reducing manual intervention, SharePoint workflows ensure that processes such as document approval, expense reimbursement, and leave requests are more efficient and less prone to error.

SharePoint’s integration with Microsoft 365 products further amplifies its process efficiency, allowing for seamless management of critical documents like contracts and invoices. This standardization of business processes not only saves time but also maintains accuracy and consistency across operations.

SharePoint’s AI-driven optimization and high-security standards contribute to a robust platform that supports a variety of business needs, from enhancing employee productivity to facilitating knowledge sharing and electronic document management.

The platform’s capabilities extend to external sharing, enabling organizations to collaborate with partners and clients securely, ensuring that sensitive data is protected while maintaining control over access.

Robust Information Management

SharePoint’s robust information management capabilities are a cornerstone of its platform, providing a secure and efficient way to handle sensitive data. Metadata tagging and search functionalities are key to this, ensuring that information is easily retrievable and organized effectively.

  • Electronic document management ensures that all information is accessible and searchable, with automatic version control detailing changes and authors.
  • Archived content strikes a balance between accessibility and cost efficiency, remaining searchable while compliant with retention policies.

SharePoint’s intelligent search feature is a testament to its robust information management, but it’s also important to maintain an organized structure to aid users in finding documents efficiently.

By setting appropriate profiles and permissions, SharePoint ensures that team members access only the data they need, safeguarding information and streamlining workflows. These features, combined with AI-driven optimization and high levels of security, significantly enhance employee productivity.


In summary, Microsoft SharePoint stands as a robust and versatile platform that has evolved to meet the dynamic needs of modern businesses. Its comprehensive suite of features, ranging from document management and collaboration to workflow automation and integration with other Microsoft Office applications, makes it an indispensable tool for organizations aiming to streamline their operations and foster a culture of teamwork. Whether used on-premises or as a cloud-based solution with SharePoint Online, it offers a secure and scalable environment that adapts to the growing demands of the digital workplace. As the landscape of work continues to shift, SharePoint’s commitment to innovation ensures that it remains a relevant and powerful asset for businesses looking to thrive in an increasingly connected world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Microsoft SharePoint?

Microsoft SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that allows organizations to store, organize, and share information across departments and teams. It functions as a content management system designed to enhance collaboration, productivity, and information management within a company.

What are the key features of Microsoft SharePoint?

Key features of SharePoint include document management and collaboration, integration with the Microsoft Office suite, customization and scalability, search experiences, version control, centralized content management, and workflow automation.

How does SharePoint Online differ from SharePoint On-Premises?

SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service within the Microsoft 365 suite, offering data redundancy protections and seamless collaboration via a multi-tenant server. SharePoint On-Premises is hosted on a company’s own servers, providing more control over the infrastructure but requiring more maintenance.

What are the advantages of using SharePoint?

Advantages of using SharePoint include enhanced productivity and communication, streamlined business processes, robust information management, centralized document management, and improved collaboration tools.

What skills are required to become a SharePoint developer?

To become a SharePoint developer, one needs skills in SharePoint architecture, development tools, programming languages like C# or JavaScript, understanding of web technologies, and knowledge of Microsoft Office integration. Continuous learning to keep up with SharePoint evolutions is also essential.

What are the 3 building blocks of SharePoint?

The 3 building blocks of SharePoint are sites, lists, and libraries. Sites provide a platform for collaboration, lists are used to store data, and libraries are designed to store and manage documents.

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