The Complete Guide To SharePoint Permission Levels: Everything You Need To Know

SharePoint, a powerful collaboration platform developed by Microsoft, offers extensive capabilities for sharing and managing content within organizations. One crucial aspect of SharePoint administration is managing permissions effectively to ensure that users have the appropriate level of access to resources while maintaining security and compliance. In this complete guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of SharePoint permission levels, providing you with all the necessary information to manage access rights efficiently and securely.

Key Takeaways

  • SharePoint offers predefined permission levels such as Full Control, Design, Edit, Contribute, Read, and View Only, each tailored to different access needs.
  • Administrators can customize permission levels to suit specific organizational requirements and ensure precise control over user access.
  • Regularly reviewing and auditing permissions is essential for maintaining security and compliance in your SharePoint environment.
  • Advanced techniques like using PowerShell or the Client Side Object Model (CSOM) can streamline permission management and resolve common issues.
  • Implementing a regular SharePoint Server patching process is crucial for maintaining up-to-date security and functionality.
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Understanding SharePoint Permission Levels

Overview of Default Permission Levels

SharePoint comes equipped with a range of predefined permission levels, designed to simplify the process of assigning rights to users and groups. These levels range from Full Control to View Only, each tailored to meet different user needs and access requirements.

  • Full Control: Grants users all available permissions.
  • Design: Allows users to view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize.
  • Edit: Enables users to add, edit, and delete lists; view, add, update, and delete list items and documents.
  • Contribute: Permits users to view, add, update, and delete list items and documents.
  • Read: Provides users with the ability to view pages and items, and download documents.
  • View Only: Allows users to view pages, list items, and documents, but not download documents.

It’s crucial to understand the implications of each permission level to ensure that users have the appropriate access without compromising security or functionality.

When assigning permissions, it’s important to consider the principle of least privilege, which suggests that users should be granted the minimum level of access necessary to perform their tasks. This approach helps maintain a secure and manageable SharePoint environment.

Customizing Permission Levels

While SharePoint provides a set of default permission levels, the real power lies in the ability to customize these levels to meet specific organizational needs. Customizing SharePoint permission levels allows for granular control over user access, ensuring that users have the permissions they need to perform their tasks without compromising security.

To customize a permission level, navigate to the site settings and select the permissions you wish to modify. You can add or remove individual permissions to create a tailored experience for different groups or users. For instance, you might want to create a custom permission level that allows users to add items and edit items that were created by the user, but not to delete any items or view versions.

Remember, when customizing SharePoint permission levels, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between operational flexibility and security. Overly restrictive permissions can hinder productivity, while overly permissive settings can pose a security risk.

Here’s a simple list of steps to follow when customizing permission levels:

  1. Go to the site settings and choose ‘Site permissions’.
  2. Select ‘Permission Levels’ to view existing levels or create a new one.
  3. Choose a base permission level to modify or start from scratch.
  4. Add or remove permissions as needed.
  5. Name the new permission level and provide a description.
  6. Apply the new permission level to users or SharePoint groups as required.

Best Practices for Assigning Permission Levels

When managing SharePoint sites, it’s crucial to adopt a systematic approach to assigning permission levels. Avoid the temptation to assign permissions to individual users directly, as this can lead to a complex and unmanageable permissions structure. Instead, it’s a good practice to use groups to manage permissions in SharePoint. This strategy simplifies administration and reduces the need for manual adjustments when user roles change.

Careful management of permission inheritance is essential to balance accessibility with security. Ensure that users have access to the content they need without compromising the integrity of the site.

Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Utilize predefined permission levels like Full Control, Design, Edit, Contribute, Read, and View Only.
  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to streamline permissions management.
  • Regularly review and audit permissions to ensure they align with current user roles and responsibilities.
  • Maintain a clear structure by avoiding additional permissions at the web application level, sticking to default policies whenever possible.

Managing Access Requests and Site Collection Administrators

Configuring Access Request Settings

Access request settings are crucial for controlling how users can request access to SharePoint sites and content. By configuring these settings, administrators can determine who is notified of access requests and the process for handling them. Proper configuration helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures that requests are addressed promptly and by the right personnel.

To configure access request settings, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the site settings of the SharePoint site.
  2. Click on ‘Site permissions’.
  3. Select ‘Access Request Settings’.
  4. Specify the email address of the individual or group that should receive access requests.
  5. Choose whether to allow access requests and if requesters can invite others.
  6. Save the changes.

It’s important to regularly review and update access request settings to align with any changes in administration or site policies.

Remember, if you encounter an issue such as ‘Access Denied to Access Requests list’ or ‘Request approval failed when you process a pending request’, it may indicate a misconfiguration or a need for additional troubleshooting.

Video Credit : SharePoint Maven

Role of Site Collection Administrators

Site Collection Administrators play a pivotal role in the SharePoint ecosystem. They possess comprehensive control over site collections, enabling them to configure settings, manage permissions, and oversee content across the sites. Their primary responsibility is to ensure the integrity of the site collection’s governance and security protocols.

  • They can add or remove users, and assign permission levels.
  • Administrators are tasked with maintaining the site’s compliance with organizational policies.
  • They are the first point of contact for any issues or access requests that arise within the site collection.

As gatekeepers of the site’s architecture, Site Collection Administrators must be adept at managing both the technical and administrative aspects of SharePoint sites to maintain a secure and efficient environment.

Handling Access Requests Efficiently

Efficient handling of access requests is crucial for maintaining productivity and security in SharePoint. Administrators should streamline the access request process to ensure timely responses and appropriate access levels. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Configure access request settings to determine who is notified of new requests.
  • Establish clear protocols for reviewing and approving access requests.
  • Utilize groups for access management to simplify permissions and reduce direct user assignments.
  • Regularly audit access requests and permissions to ensure compliance with organizational policies.

By setting up a system that promptly addresses access requests, administrators can minimize disruptions and maintain a secure SharePoint environment.

Remember, the goal is to balance the need for security with the flexibility required for collaboration. It’s important to review and adjust access request workflows as needed to keep up with the evolving needs of the organization.

Granting and Modifying Permissions in SharePoint

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Steps to Grant Permissions to Users and Groups

Granting permissions in SharePoint is a critical task that ensures users have the appropriate access to resources. To begin, identify the users or groups that require access. Navigate to the site or resource, click on the ‘Share’ button, and enter the name or email of the intended user or group. Choose the permission level, such as Read, Contribute, or Full Control, and click ‘Share’ to grant the permissions.

It is often more efficient to manage permissions at the group level rather than individually. By adding or removing users from groups, you can easily control access without the need to adjust permissions at multiple locations.

Creating a group is straightforward: go to ‘Settings’, select ‘Site permissions’, and then ‘Create group’. After providing a name and description, add members and set the group’s permission level. For existing permissions, use the ‘Advanced permissions settings’ to make necessary adjustments.

To remove a user’s permissions, it’s as simple as navigating to ‘Site permissions’, selecting the user, and revoking their access. This process is vital for maintaining security and ensuring only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information.

Editing and Removing User Permissions

In the dynamic environment of SharePoint, the need to edit or remove user permissions is a common task for administrators. This may be necessary when roles change, projects end, or individuals leave the organization. To edit permissions, administrators can navigate to the site’s settings and adjust access levels for users or groups. The steps are straightforward:

  • Navigate to the SharePoint site or resource.
  • Access the “Settings” gear icon and select “Site permissions.”
  • Proceed to “Advanced permissions settings.”
  • To edit, click on the user/group name; to add, click “Grant permissions.”
  • Select the desired permission level and click “OK.”

When removing permissions, the process ensures that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information. The steps to remove permissions are as follows:

  • Navigate to the SharePoint site or resource.
  • Click on the “Settings” gear icon and select “Site permissions.”
  • Go to “Advanced permissions settings.”
  • Select the user or group and click on “Remove User Permissions.”
  • Confirm the action to revoke permissions.

It is crucial to regularly review user access to maintain security and compliance. Administrators should make it a practice to audit permissions periodically and adjust them as necessary to reflect current needs.

Using PowerShell to Manage Permissions

PowerShell is an invaluable tool for SharePoint administrators, allowing for the automation of complex tasks, including the management of permissions. Using PowerShell scripts, administrators can generate comprehensive permissions reports, streamline the process of modifying user access, and ensure consistent permission levels across SharePoint sites.

  • To manage SharePoint users and groups with PowerShell, one must understand the cmdlets specific to SharePoint Online. These cmdlets can be used to retrieve user permissions, modify group memberships, and more.
  • Generating a permissions report for a SharePoint Online site collection can be done with a simple script. This report can help administrators keep track of user permissions in complex environments.

PowerShell commands can be executed in bulk, making it possible to update permissions for multiple users or groups simultaneously.

For instance, to get list permissions in SharePoint Online, administrators can use the Get-SPOList cmdlet followed by the Get-SPOUser cmdlet to retrieve all user permissions within a list. This approach simplifies the task of auditing permissions and ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive information.

Effective SharePoint Permissions Management Strategies

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Maintaining Security with Permission Inheritance

In SharePoint, maintaining a secure environment is crucial, and permission inheritance plays a pivotal role in this process. By default, permissions are inherited from parent objects to their children, which simplifies the management of access rights across related items. For instance, a document library will inherit permissions from its parent site, ensuring consistent access control.

However, there are scenarios where inheritance might need to be broken. If specific items require different access levels, administrators have the option to stop inheriting permissions and set unique permissions for those items. It’s essential to approach this with caution, as it can lead to complex permission structures that are difficult to manage.

To maintain optimal security, regularly review and manage permission inheritance, ensuring that only the necessary changes are made to default configurations.

Here are some best practices for managing permission inheritance:

  • Regularly audit permissions to ensure they align with current access requirements.
  • Use SharePoint groups to manage permissions efficiently, rather than setting individual user rights.
  • Avoid breaking inheritance unless absolutely necessary, and document any changes for future reference.

Regular Review and Audit of Permissions

Conducting regular reviews and audits of SharePoint permissions is essential to maintain a secure and well-functioning environment. Auditing SharePoint Online Site permissions is critical for security, as misconfigured permissions may allow unauthorized access to sensitive data. Administrators should leverage tools such as the “Check Permissions” feature to verify users’ permissions and ensure they align with their roles and responsibilities within the organization.

To streamline the audit process, consider using PnP PowerShell to generate comprehensive user permissions reports. These reports can highlight discrepancies and facilitate the correction of any issues found.

Here is a simple checklist to follow during a permissions audit:

  • Review site collection permissions
  • Verify permissions for each user and group
  • Check for any permissions granted directly to individuals
  • Identify and amend any over-privileged accounts
  • Document changes and update permission policies accordingly

Implementing a SharePoint Server Patching Process

Maintaining an up-to-date SharePoint environment is crucial for security and performance. Implementing a regular SharePoint Server patching process is a best practice that cannot be overlooked. Patches address known vulnerabilities and enhance the system’s stability, ensuring that your SharePoint farm remains protected against potential threats.

To facilitate a smooth patching process without significant downtime, consider the ‘highly available upgrades’ approach. This method allows for patching one server at a time, keeping the rest of the farm operational. Here’s a simple checklist to guide you through the patching process:

  • Verify the current patch level of your SharePoint farm.
  • Review the release notes for the new patch to understand the changes and fixes.
  • Test the patch in a non-production environment to ensure compatibility.
  • Schedule the patching during off-peak hours to minimize impact on users.
  • Apply the patch sequentially to the servers in the farm, starting with the one hosting the Central Administration.

By adhering to a structured patching schedule, you can mitigate risks and maintain a robust SharePoint infrastructure. Regular reviews and updates are essential components of effective SharePoint management, contributing to the overall health of your SharePoint environment.

Advanced SharePoint Permissions Techniques

Leveraging Client Side Object Model (CSOM) for Permissions

The Client Side Object Model (CSOM) is a powerful tool for managing SharePoint permissions programmatically. CSOM allows for fine-grained control over permissions, enabling administrators to automate complex tasks that would be time-consuming to perform manually. For instance, using CSOM, one can grant or remove permissions to list items, folders, or entire lists with precision.

When working with CSOM, it’s essential to understand the different permission levels and how they can be applied to SharePoint objects. Below is a list of common tasks that can be accomplished using CSOM:

  • Granting permission to a list item
  • Removing user or group from folder permissions
  • Retrieving permission reports for lists
  • Identifying lists with unique permissions
  • Obtaining group members

By leveraging CSOM in conjunction with PowerShell, SharePoint administrators can create scripts that execute bulk permission changes, generate reports, and manage user access efficiently. This approach not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of human error in permission management.

Utilizing PnP PowerShell for Advanced Scenarios

PnP PowerShell extends the capabilities of SharePoint administrators by providing a powerful set of cmdlets designed to manage complex tasks efficiently. Using PnP PowerShell, administrators can automate the provisioning of sites, lists, and libraries, as well as manage permissions in bulk, which is particularly useful in unattended scenarios.

When dealing with advanced permission management, PnP PowerShell offers a more granular control over SharePoint entities. For instance, you can easily retrieve all permission levels, copy permissions between users, or even break and re-establish permission inheritance at various levels of the SharePoint hierarchy.

It’s essential to understand the implications of permission changes and to apply them judiciously to avoid compromising security or functionality.

Here are some common PnP PowerShell commands related to permissions:

  • Get-PnPGroup – Retrieves all groups from the site collection.
  • Set-PnPGroupPermissions – Assigns permissions to a group.
  • Get-PnPUser – Retrieves a user from the site collection.
  • Add-PnPUserToGroup – Adds a user to a specified group.
  • Remove-PnPUserFromGroup – Removes a user from the specified group.

By mastering these commands, SharePoint administrators can handle permission-related tasks more effectively and ensure that the right people have the right access.

Troubleshooting Common Permissions Issues

When managing SharePoint permissions, encountering Access Denied or permission errors is a common hurdle. These issues can stem from various causes, such as incorrect permission levels assigned to users or groups, or a mismatch in site user IDs. For instance, a user might experience difficulty accessing their own OneDrive site due to a site user ID mismatch. To resolve this, verify if a new User Principal Name (UPN) exists and update the user information accordingly.

Ensuring that users have the correct permissions is crucial for the smooth operation of SharePoint. Regularly checking permissions with the ‘Check Permissions’ feature can prevent many access issues before they escalate.

Another frequent issue is the need for document-level permissions. In such cases, implementing security filters can help manage permissions more effectively. Additionally, consider automating the copying of permissions at the file level to maintain consistency and reduce manual errors. Below is a list of steps to address common permission problems:

  • Verify user permissions using the ‘Check Permissions’ feature.
  • Check for UPN changes and update user information as needed.
  • Implement security filters for document-level permissions.
  • Automate the copying of file-level permissions to ensure accuracy.


In conclusion, mastering SharePoint permission levels is essential for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring efficient collaboration within an organization. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the intricacies of SharePoint permissions, from predefined levels like Full Control and Read to the nuances of access request settings and permission inheritance. By leveraging the insights and step-by-step instructions provided, administrators can confidently manage user access, maintain compliance, and foster a secure environment for all SharePoint resources. Remember, regular review and adjustment of permissions are key to adapting to the evolving needs of your team and organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the default permission levels in SharePoint?

SharePoint offers predefined permission levels including Full Control, Design, Edit, Contribute, Read, and View Only, each granting varying degrees of access to SharePoint resources.

How can I customize permission levels in SharePoint?

Administrators can customize permission levels by editing the existing ones or creating new permission levels to meet specific requirements of their SharePoint environment.

What are some best practices for assigning SharePoint permissions?

Best practices include assigning the least privilege necessary, using groups to manage permissions, avoiding individual permissions when possible, and regularly reviewing and auditing permissions.

How do I manage access requests in SharePoint?

Access requests can be managed by configuring the access request settings to specify who receives the requests and determining the process for approving or declining these requests.

What is the role of a Site Collection Administrator in SharePoint?

A Site Collection Administrator has full control permissions over all sites within a site collection and is responsible for managing settings, permissions, and access requests.

How do I use PowerShell to manage SharePoint permissions?

PowerShell can be used to manage SharePoint permissions by scripting actions such as granting, editing, or removing permissions, which can be especially useful for bulk changes or automation.

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