Microsoft Teams Vs Zoom: Best Choice in 2024

Microsoft Teams Vs Zoom: these are two most popular video conferencing platforms in 2024. In this article, we will compare their features, benefits, and drawbacks to help you make an informed decision on which one is the best choice for your team collaboration needs. We will provide a detailed analysis based on factual data and expert opinions from various sources.

Microsoft Teams Vs Zoom

Key Takeaways:

  • Microsoft Teams and Zoom are leading video conferencing platforms in 2024.
  • We will compare the features, benefits, and drawbacks of Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
  • The analysis is based on factual data and expert opinions.
  • Your decision should be based on your specific team collaboration needs.
  • Consider factors such as meeting productivity, collaboration features, external vs. internal meetings, AI features, handling larger meetings and slow internet, app integrations, pricing, and plans.

Teams is better for maximizing meeting productivity

Microsoft Teams is known for its robust set of features that maximize meeting productivity. It offers advanced collaboration tools such as screen sharing, remote control access, collaborative notes, whiteboard, breakout rooms, and chat features. These features make it easy for teams to collaborate, share ideas, and stay organized during meetings.

Teams also integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 productivity tools, providing a comprehensive solution for team collaboration. With Teams, you can easily access and share files, documents, and presentations without leaving the meeting interface. This streamlines the workflow and eliminates the need to switch between different applications, saving valuable time and improving overall efficiency.

“Microsoft Teams has revolutionized the way our team conducts meetings. The collaborative features, such as real-time note-taking and the ability to co-edit documents, have significantly enhanced our productivity. We can now accomplish more in less time, thanks to Teams.”

The collaboration features in Teams enable teams to work together seamlessly, whether they are in the same office or distributed across different locations. The ability to share screens and provide remote control access allows team members to troubleshoot issues and provide real-time support, eliminating the need for lengthy email exchanges or separate troubleshooting sessions.

Key Features of Teams for Meeting Productivity:

  • Screen sharing: Share your screen with participants to present slides, demonstrate software, or showcase documents.
  • Whiteboard: Collaboratively brainstorm, sketch ideas, and visualize concepts in real-time.
  • Breakout rooms: Divide participants into smaller groups for focused discussions or group activities.
  • Collaborative notes: Take real-time notes during the meeting that can be accessed and edited by all participants.
  • Chat features: Communicate with participants via text chat, share links, and provide additional information without interrupting the flow of the meeting.

Teams’ extensive array of meeting productivity features sets it apart as a versatile and powerful tool for teams aiming to achieve optimal collaboration and efficiency during meetings.

Key FeaturesMicrosoft TeamsZoom
Screen sharing
Breakout rooms
Collaborative notes
Chat features

Teams has more advanced meeting collaboration features

Microsoft Teams offers a wide range of advanced collaboration tools that make it a superior choice for meeting collaboration compared to Zoom. With its robust chat feature, teams can communicate and exchange ideas in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page. The whiteboard feature allows for interactive brainstorming sessions, where participants can visually present and discuss their ideas.

Teams also provides action item lists, enabling teams to track and assign tasks during meetings, ensuring follow-ups and accountability. Additionally, the live document collaboration feature allows multiple team members to work simultaneously on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

“Teams’ collaboration features empower teams to work together more efficiently, as they can collaboratively edit documents and exchange feedback in real-time.”

Moreover, Teams offers a Wiki, a valuable resource for teams to centralize knowledge and information. The Wiki allows teams to create and share content, making it easily accessible to all team members. These advanced meeting collaboration features in Teams serve as powerful tools that support effective communication, decision-making, and project management.

On the other hand, Zoom has recently introduced some collaboration features, but they are still not as advanced or comprehensive as Teams’ offerings. Although Zoom offers basic chat functionality and limited document collaboration, it falls short in providing a robust set of collaboration tools that Teams offers.

In conclusion, when it comes to meeting collaboration features, Microsoft Teams surpasses Zoom with its wide range of advanced tools, including chat, whiteboard, action item lists, live document collaboration, and a Wiki. Teams’ advanced features enable teams to collaborate in real-time, make decisions, and work on projects together more efficiently. Zoom, while making progress in enhancing its collaboration capabilities, still has room to catch up with Teams in terms of advanced collaboration functionalities.

Comparison of Meeting Collaboration Features

Collaboration FeaturesMicrosoft TeamsZoom
Action Item Lists✓*
Live Document Collaboration✓*
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Microsoft Vs Zoom: Which is best for Internal or External Meetings

When it comes to hosting meetings, both Zoom and Microsoft Teams offer unique advantages depending on your specific needs. Zoom is excellent for external meetings with clients, partners, or customers, providing a seamless experience for participants to join meetings from anywhere, on any device, simply by clicking a link. This accessibility makes Zoom a top choice when it comes to engaging with external stakeholders.

On the other hand, Microsoft Teams is designed to excel in internal meetings within an organization. While external participants can join Teams meetings, it is important to note that certain features may be limited and the overall experience may not be as seamless as Zoom. Teams prioritizes providing an all-encompassing solution for internal team collaboration, ensuring that teams can work together efficiently and effectively.

blockquote: “Zoom offers a seamless experience for participants to join external meetings from anywhere, on any device, with just a link. Teams, on the other hand, focuses more on internal team collaboration, providing a comprehensive solution for organizing and working together.”

Therefore, if your organization predominantly hosts external meetings with clients or partners, Zoom is the recommended choice. Its user-friendly interface and easy accessibility make it a preferred platform for external communications. Conversely, if your primary focus is internal collaboration and maximizing productivity within your team, Microsoft Teams offers an array of tools and features that are tailored to internal meetings and team collaboration.

blockquote: “Zoom excels at providing a seamless experience for external meetings, while Teams is designed for internal team collaboration and maximizing productivity within organizations.”

While both Zoom and Microsoft Teams are powerful video conferencing platforms, it is important to consider your specific meeting requirements and choose the platform that best suits your organization’s needs.

Meeting participantsUp to 1,000 participants (Enterprise Plus package)Up to 300 participants
Joining meetingsFrictionless experience from anywhere, on any device, with just a linkExternal participants can join, but certain features may be limited
FocusExternal meetings with clients, partners, or customersInternal team collaboration and productivity

Zoom offers AI features at no extra cost

One of the advantages of using Zoom is its built-in AI features. These include meeting catch-ups, chapter highlights, and AI summaries, all of which are included in their paid plans. These features enhance the meeting experience and improve productivity by providing automatic summaries and highlights.

Zoom’s AI-powered meeting catch-up feature allows participants to review and catch up on meetings they may have missed or need to revisit. This is particularly helpful for team members who were unable to attend a meeting due to conflicts or time zone differences. It provides a convenient way to stay up-to-date and informed without having to go through the entire meeting recording.

The chapter highlights feature, powered by AI, automatically generates highlights of key discussion points and milestones during meetings. This feature simplifies the process of reviewing meeting content by providing a concise overview of the most important topics discussed. It enables participants to quickly navigate to relevant sections of the meeting recording, saving time and improving efficiency.

Additionally, Zoom’s AI summaries feature generates automated summaries of meetings, capturing key points, decisions, and actions. These summaries serve as a useful reference for participants, eliminating the need to manually take detailed notes during meetings. It enhances collaboration by ensuring that everyone is on the same page and can easily access the meeting’s key takeaways and follow-up tasks.

It’s worth noting that while Microsoft Teams also offers AI features, they are only available to users with a Microsoft Copilot license, which may require additional costs. Zoom, on the other hand, includes these AI features as part of its paid plans, making them accessible to all users without any extra charges.

Zoom’s AI-powered features, such as meeting catch-ups, chapter highlights, and AI summaries, provide a significant advantage in terms of meeting efficiency and productivity. These features automate time-consuming tasks and enable participants to quickly review, access key points, and make faster decisions. Overall, Zoom’s built-in AI features enhance the meeting experience and deliver tangible benefits for teams.

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With Zoom’s AI features, participants can leverage technology to streamline their meeting workflows, freeing up valuable time and improving collaboration. By automatically generating meeting catch-ups, chapter highlights, and AI summaries, Zoom empowers teams to focus on the most important aspects of their discussions, resulting in more effective and productive meetings.

Zoom copes better with larger meetings and slow internet

When it comes to handling larger meetings, Zoom takes the lead. With its Enterprise Plus package, Zoom can comfortably accommodate up to 1,000 participants. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses hosting large-scale conferences, webinars, or virtual events that require a high participant capacity.

Additionally, Zoom’s performance remains impressive even in areas with slow internet connections. Whether you’re in a remote location or have limited internet bandwidth, Zoom’s optimized technology ensures a smooth and uninterrupted meeting experience. Participants can engage in video calls, share screens, and collaborate seamlessly, regardless of their internet speed.

On the other hand, Microsoft Teams has a maximum participant limit of 300 for meetings. While this is sufficient for most internal team collaborations, it may not be suitable for larger gatherings or conferences.

When it comes to slow internet conditions, Microsoft Teams may face performance issues, resulting in lag or latency during meetings. In contrast, Zoom’s robust infrastructure and adaptive technology allow it to cope better with slower internet speeds, minimizing disruptions and ensuring that meetings run smoothly even under challenging network conditions.

Zoom’s Large Meeting Capacity

PackageMaximum Participants
Free Plan100
Pro Plan100
Business Plan300
Enterprise Plan500
Enterprise Plus Plan1,000

Zoom offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different meeting sizes and requirements, ensuring that businesses can find the right package to suit their needs.

Overall, Zoom’s capability to handle larger meetings and navigate slow internet conditions gives it an edge in scenarios where scalability and network limitations are a concern.

Both apps play nice with other tools

Both Microsoft Teams and Zoom offer extensive app integrations, allowing users to connect and collaborate seamlessly with other tools they use. These integrations enhance productivity and streamline workflows by bringing together multiple applications within the Teams or Zoom interface.

Zoom boasts nearly 2,500 app integrations, enabling users to leverage a wide range of third-party tools and services. Additionally, Zoom’s integration with Zapier allows for simplified automation and improved efficiency in various tasks and processes.

Microsoft Teams, on the other hand, offers over 2,000 app integrations, including deep integration with Microsoft 365. This integration ensures that users can access and utilize their favorite apps directly within the Teams interface, facilitating smoother collaboration and workflow management. Teams also integrates seamlessly with Zapier, further expanding its capabilities for connecting with other tools.

Whether it’s project management, file sharing, communication, or other business processes, both Teams and Zoom provide options to integrate with popular applications, enabling users to tailor their collaboration experience according to their specific needs and preferences.

Benefits of app integrations in Microsoft Teams and Zoom:

  • Enhanced productivity by centralizing various tools within a single interface
  • Streamlined workflows and automated processes through integrations with Zapier
  • Seamless access to favorite apps and services without switching between different platforms
  • Improved collaboration and communication with shared data and streamlined processes

“App integrations allow users to bring together the best of both worlds, leveraging the power and functionality of Teams or Zoom alongside their preferred third-party tools.”

By leveraging app integrations, users can optimize their collaboration efforts, save time, and improve overall efficiency. These integrations bridge the gap between different applications, enabling users to work seamlessly and achieve better outcomes.

Microsoft Teams App IntegrationsZoom App Integrations
Microsoft 365Zapier
SharePointGoogle Drive
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With a wide range of integrations available, both Teams and Zoom provide users with flexibility and customization options to create a collaborative environment that meets their specific requirements.

If you’re torn between Zoom and Microsoft Teams, the decision ultimately comes down to your specific needs and priorities. Let’s dive into the key factors to consider when choosing between these two popular video conferencing platforms.

Zoom: User-friendly and Ideal for External Meetings

If your focus revolves around video conferencing and external meetings, Zoom may be the better choice for you. With its user-friendly interface, excellent audio and video quality, and features specifically tailored for external communications and marketing, Zoom offers a seamless experience for your external participants.

“Zoom’s user-friendly interface and excellent audio and video quality make it a top choice for external meetings.”

Microsoft Teams: All-in-One Collaboration Tool with Advanced Meeting Features

On the other hand, if you’re looking for an all-in-one collaboration tool with advanced meeting collaboration features and a seamless integration with Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams is the way to go. Teams’ robust collaboration tools, such as screen sharing, remote control access, collaborative notes, breakout rooms, and chat features, make it an excellent choice for internal team collaboration.

“Microsoft Teams’ advanced meeting features and seamless integration with Microsoft 365 provide a comprehensive solution for team collaboration.”

Now, let’s summarize the key differences between Zoom and Microsoft Teams:

ZoomMicrosoft Teams
User-friendly interfaceAll-in-one collaboration tool
Excellent audio and video qualityAdvanced meeting collaboration features
Features tailored for external meetingsSeamless integration with Microsoft 365

Considering these factors and your specific requirements, you can make an informed decision on which platform is the best choice for your organization’s video conferencing and collaboration needs.

Microsoft Teams pricing and plans

Microsoft Teams offers a range of pricing plans designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses. Whether you’re a small team or a large enterprise, there’s a plan that suits you. Here is an overview of the different Microsoft Teams plans:

Microsoft 365 Business Essentials$4 per user per monthOnline meetings, chat, and team collaboration features1TB per user
Microsoft 365 Business Basic$5 per user per monthOffline access, document sharing and collaboration1TB per user
Microsoft 365 Business Standard$8.25 per user per monthAdvanced communication and collaboration features1TB per user
Microsoft 365 Business Premium$20 per user per monthFull suite of Microsoft 365 apps and services1TB per user

It’s important to carefully evaluate your specific requirements and budget before choosing a plan that best fits your organization’s needs. Whether you’re looking for basic online meetings and chat or a comprehensive suite of collaboration tools, Microsoft Teams has a solution for you.

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Zoom pricing and plans

When it comes to pricing and plans, Zoom offers a variety of options designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, Zoom has got you covered. Let’s explore the pricing tiers and features available:

Free Plan

Zoom offers a free plan that provides basic functionality for individuals or small teams. With the free plan, you can host unlimited meetings with up to 100 participants. However, please note that there is a 40-minute time limit on group meetings.

Paid Plans

If you require advanced features and more flexibility, Zoom offers several paid plans. These plans offer enhanced capabilities, longer meeting durations, and increased participant capacities:

Pro$149.90 per year per user– Meeting durations up to 24 hours
– Dedicated customer support
– Admin feature controls
– Reporting and analytics
Business$199.90 per year per user– Up to 300 participants
– Cloud recording transcripts
– Single sign-on (SSO)
– Company branding
Enterprise$250 per year per user– Up to 500 participants
– Unlimited cloud storage
– Dedicated customer success manager
– Executive business reviews

Additionally, Zoom offers add-ons for larger meetings, webinars, and additional storage. These add-ons can be customized according to your specific requirements and can be added to any of the paid plans above.

When choosing a plan, it’s essential to carefully consider the features you need and compare them with the pricing options provided by Zoom. Evaluating your budget and specific business requirements will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you select the right Zoom plan for your organization.


In conclusion, both Microsoft Teams and Zoom offer powerful video conferencing solutions that cater to different organizational needs. Microsoft Teams excels in providing an all-in-one collaboration tool with advanced meeting collaboration features, seamless integration with Microsoft 365, and optimized productivity. On the other hand, Zoom is a top choice for businesses looking for user-friendly external meetings, ease of use, versatility, and flexibility.

When deciding between Microsoft Teams and Zoom, it is crucial to consider your specific requirements, team size, budget, and priorities. If your organization values comprehensive collaboration features, seamless integration, and productivity optimization, Microsoft Teams is the recommended choice. However, if prioritizing external meetings, simplicity, versatility, and flexibility is more important, Zoom is an excellent option.

Ultimately, the decision between Microsoft Teams and Zoom will depend on your organization’s unique needs and objectives. Carefully evaluate the features, benefits, and pricing of each platform to make an informed choice that aligns with your business goals. Whichever platform you choose, both Microsoft Teams and Zoom are reliable solutions that can enhance your team collaboration and communication.


What are the key differences between Microsoft Teams and Zoom?

Microsoft Teams is known for its robust set of features that maximize meeting productivity, while Zoom excels at hosting external meetings with clients, partners, or customers.

What collaboration features does Microsoft Teams offer?

Microsoft Teams offers advanced collaboration tools such as screen sharing, remote control access, collaborative notes, whiteboard, breakout rooms, and chat features.

How does Teams compare to Zoom in terms of meeting collaboration features?

Microsoft Teams offers a wider range of advanced collaboration tools such as robust chat, whiteboard, action item lists, live document collaboration, and a Wiki, making it more suitable for real-time collaboration and project collaboration compared to Zoom.

Which platform is better for external meetings?

Zoom is designed to provide a frictionless experience for external participants to join meetings, making it the better choice for hosting external meetings with clients, partners, or customers.

Are there any AI features included in Zoom?

Yes, Zoom offers built-in AI features such as meeting catch-ups, chapter highlights, and AI summaries, which are included in their paid plans.

How many participants can Zoom and Microsoft Teams accommodate in their meetings?

Zoom can accommodate up to 1,000 participants on its Enterprise Plus package, while Microsoft Teams can host meetings with up to 300 participants.

Do Microsoft Teams and Zoom integrate with other tools?

Yes, both Microsoft Teams and Zoom offer extensive app integrations, allowing users to connect and collaborate seamlessly with other tools they use.

How do I decide between Zoom and Microsoft Teams?

The decision between Zoom and Microsoft Teams depends on your specific needs. If you prioritize video conferencing and external meetings, Zoom may be the better choice. If you’re looking for an all-in-one collaboration tool with advanced meeting collaboration features and seamless integration with Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams is the way to go.

What are the pricing plans for Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams offers a range of pricing plans starting from $4 per user per month and going up to $12.50 per user per month, with various features and storage options available depending on the plan.

How much does Zoom cost?

Zoom provides a free plan with basic features and paid plans ranging from $149.90 to $250 per year per user. The paid plans offer more advanced features, longer meeting durations, and larger participant capacities.

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