Different types of SharePoint-sites

What are the different types of SharePoint sites – The Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will explore the various types of SharePoint sites that can be used to enhance collaboration and productivity within organizations. SharePoint is a versatile platform that offers different site templates suited for different purposes.

Key Takeaways:

  • SharePoint sites offer different templates for different purposes.
  • Types of SharePoint sites include Team Sites, Communication Sites, Hub Sites, Project Sites, Personal Sites, Community Sites, and Knowledge Base Sites.
  • Team Sites are commonly used for project collaboration and document sharing.
  • Communication Sites promote internal information sharing and engagement.
  • Hub Sites provide centralized navigation and content aggregation.
Different SharePoint Sites

Team Sites

Team Sites are the most commonly used type of SharePoint site. They provide a space for teams to collaborate on projects, share documents, and manage tasks. Team Sites can be customized to meet specific team requirements and often serve as a central hub for team communication and collaboration.

Communication Sites

Communication Sites are a crucial component of SharePoint’s collaboration capabilities, designed to facilitate seamless internal information sharing and communication within organizations. These sites serve as centralized hubs for broadcasting important updates, sharing news and events, and making company-wide announcements. Communication Sites promote engagement among employees, ensuring that everyone stays informed and connected.

With their intuitive layout and user-friendly design, Communication Sites provide a visually appealing platform for delivering key organizational messages and facilitating effective internal communication. They offer a range of features and functionalities, such as customizable news sections, targeted announcements, and event calendars.

By leveraging Communication Sites, organizations can create a unified and engaging digital experience for employees, ensuring that critical information is readily accessible and effectively disseminated. These sites foster a sense of community and collaboration, driving employee engagement and enhancing organizational communication.

Hub Sites

Hub Sites are an essential feature of SharePoint that connect related SharePoint sites and provide a centralized navigation experience. By serving as a focal point for content organization and discovery, Hub Sites facilitate cross-site content aggregation, enabling organizations to create a unified view of information across multiple sites.

With Hub Sites, users can easily discover and access relevant content from different sites within the hub. This centralized approach improves productivity by eliminating the need to navigate through multiple sites separately. Users can find everything they need in one place, saving time and effort.

One of the key advantages of Hub Sites is the ability to maintain a consistent look and feel across all connected sites. When a site joins a hub, it inherits the branding and navigation elements of the hub, ensuring a seamless user experience. This consistency enhances user engagement and reinforces the organization’s brand identity.

Benefits of Hub Sites:

  • Centralized content aggregation
  • Easier content discovery and access
  • Consistent branding and navigation
  • Enhanced user engagement
  • Streamlined collaboration and communication

Organizations can leverage Hub Sites to create a logical hierarchy or taxonomy of sites, making it easier for users to navigate and consume information. Whether it’s departmental sites, project sites, or other related sites, Hub Sites bring them all together, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Hub Sites provide a powerful solution for overcoming the challenge of content fragmentation in large organizations. By connecting sites and enabling cross-site content aggregation, Hub Sites promote a more unified and cohesive digital workplace.

Take a look at the following table to understand the key features of Hub Sites:

Centralized NavigationHub Sites offer a centralized navigation menu that provides easy access to all connected sites.
Cross-site Content AggregationHub Sites aggregate content from all connected sites, creating a comprehensive view of information.
Consistent Look and FeelWhen a site joins a hub, it inherits the branding and navigation elements of the hub, ensuring a consistent user experience.
Site Rollup Web PartsHub Sites offer powerful web parts like News, Events, and Documents, allowing for easy content publishing and consumption.
Cross-site SearchUsers can search for content across all connected sites from the hub, facilitating quick and efficient information retrieval.

By leveraging Hub Sites, organizations can transform their disjointed SharePoint sites into a connected digital workspace that promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and productivity. Through the centralization of content and navigation, Hub Sites streamline the user experience, enabling users to work more efficiently and effectively.

Project Sites

Project Sites are specifically designed for managing projects. With a range of powerful tools and features, they facilitate efficient project coordination and collaboration.

Task Tracking

One of the key advantages of Project Sites is their robust task tracking capabilities. Project teams can create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress in real-time. This ensures that everyone stays on track and accountable for their assigned responsibilities. The visual representation of task statuses allows for quick identification of bottlenecks and helps in prioritizing activities.

Document Collaboration

Project Sites provide a dedicated space for seamless document collaboration. Team members can easily share, edit, and review project-related documents within the site. Version control functionality ensures that everyone is working on the latest version of a document, preventing any confusion or errors due to outdated information. The ability to add comments and annotations promotes contextual discussions and streamlines document approval processes.

Timeline Visualization

A project’s timeline is crucial for effective planning and execution. Project Sites offer built-in timeline visualization features, enabling teams to create and view project schedules with milestones and dependencies. This visual representation helps project managers and team members gain a clear understanding of the project’s timeline, critical path, and overall progress. Identifying potential delays or resource constraints becomes easier, allowing proactive measures to be taken to keep the project on track.

Project Sites are designed to streamline project management processes and enhance collaboration among team members. By providing a central hub for tasks, documents, and timelines, these sites empower project teams to work together efficiently, resulting in successful project completion.

Benefits of Project SitesFeatures
Improved project coordinationTask tracking
Enhanced collaborationDocument collaboration
Effective planning and schedulingTimeline visualization

Personal Sites

Personal Sites, also known as My Sites, provide individual users with a personalized space to manage their own documents, tasks, and profile information. With Personal Sites, users can create their own unique online presence within the organization, showcasing their skills, interests, and achievements. This fosters a sense of individual ownership and expression, promoting a more engaged and connected workforce.

Through Personal Sites, users can conveniently organize and access their documents, ensuring that important files are always within reach. They can also create and manage tasks, helping them stay organized and focused on their priorities. In addition, Personal Sites allow users to update their profile information, providing a comprehensive view of their professional background and expertise.

Personal Sites empower employees to personalize their digital workplace experience and take control of their own work environment. By giving individuals the ability to curate and present their unique talents and accomplishments, Personal Sites contribute to a more dynamic and collaborative organizational culture.

“Personal Sites enable employees to showcase their skills, interests, and achievements, fostering a sense of individual ownership and expression within the organization.”

Benefits of Personal Sites:

  • Customized space for managing documents and tasks
  • Ability to showcase skills, interests, and achievements
  • Enhanced personalization and engagement
  • Opportunity to present a comprehensive professional profile
Customized space for managing documents and tasksUsers can conveniently organize and access their documents and create and manage tasks within their Personal Site.
Ability to showcase skills, interests, and achievementsPersonal Sites provide a platform for individuals to highlight their skills, interests, and professional accomplishments.
Enhanced personalization and engagementPersonal Sites allow employees to personalize their digital workplace experience, fostering a greater sense of connection and engagement.
Opportunity to present a comprehensive professional profileUsers can update their profile information on their Personal Site, providing a comprehensive view of their professional background and expertise.

Community Sites

Community Sites provide organizations with the ability to create online spaces where employees, customers, or partners can come together to engage in discussions, share knowledge, and collaborate on specific topics or interests. These sites play a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and building a collective intelligence within the organization.

By offering a platform for open dialogue and information exchange, Community Sites facilitate the sharing of expertise, best practices, and innovative ideas among individuals with similar interests or objectives. They serve as virtual meeting places where participants can pose questions, provide answers, and contribute to ongoing conversations, thereby creating a vibrant and collaborative community.

With Community Sites, organizations can tap into the diverse knowledge and experiences of their workforce, customers, and partners, enabling them to benefit from the collective wisdom of the crowd. These sites empower individuals to connect, interact, and build relationships based on common goals, interests, or challenges. They provide a space for collaboration and networking, fueling creativity, innovation, and problem-solving within the organization.

“Community Sites have revolutionized the way our organization shares knowledge and collaborates. They have allowed us to connect employees from different departments and locations, sparking valuable discussions and uncovering new insights. The collective intelligence we have gained through our Community Sites has been transformative.”—Mark Thompson, Chief Knowledge Officer at ABC Corporation

Organizations can customize Community Sites to align with their unique requirements and branding guidelines. They can create different interest groups or communities within the platform, ensuring that participants can easily find and engage with the topics or areas they are most interested in.

Some key features typically found in Community Sites include discussion forums, question-and-answer sections, user-generated content, and social networking capabilities. These features facilitate dynamic interactions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among community members.

Overall, Community Sites offer a powerful way to harness the collective intelligence and expertise present within an organization. By creating online spaces where individuals can connect, collaborate, and share knowledge, Community Sites help to foster a strong sense of community and drive innovation and growth.

Knowledge Base Sites

Knowledge Base Sites serve as repositories of knowledge and information within an organization. They provide a central location for creating, storing, and accessing company-wide knowledge articles, FAQs, and how-to guides. Knowledge Base Sites promote knowledge sharing and enhance the efficiency of support processes.


In conclusion, SharePoint provides a diverse range of site types that cater to various collaboration and communication needs within organizations. Whether it’s Team Sites for project collaboration, Communication Sites for internal information sharing, or Hub Sites for centralized navigation, SharePoint offers a comprehensive solution.

By leveraging the appropriate site type, organizations can optimize their workflow, enhance teamwork, and improve productivity. With Team Sites serving as a central hub for project collaboration, Communication Sites fostering engagement through news and announcements, and Hub Sites providing a unified view of information, SharePoint sites empower organizations to work efficiently.

Additionally, SharePoint offers niche site types such as Project Sites for project management, Personal Sites for individual ownership and expression, Community Sites for fostering knowledge sharing, and Knowledge Base Sites for centralized knowledge repositories. These site types equip organizations with powerful tools to meet their specific requirements.

In the modern workplace, where collaboration and communication are key, SharePoint sites have become essential tools. By embracing SharePoint, organizations can create a cohesive and productive environment that promotes effective collaboration, enhances knowledge sharing, and drives overall growth and success.


What are the different types of SharePoint sites?

SharePoint offers a variety of site types tailored to meet different collaboration and communication needs within organizations. Some popular types include Team Sites, Communication Sites, Hub Sites, Project Sites, Personal Sites, Community Sites, and Knowledge Base Sites.

What are Team Sites?

Team Sites are the most commonly used type of SharePoint site. They provide a dedicated space for teams to collaborate on projects, share documents, and manage tasks. Team Sites can be customized to suit specific team requirements and serve as a central hub for team communication and collaboration.

What are Communication Sites?

Communication Sites are designed to facilitate internal information sharing and communication within an organization. They typically include features such as news, events, and announcements. Communication Sites are ideal for broadcasting important updates and fostering engagement among employees.

What are Hub Sites?

Hub Sites are used to connect related SharePoint sites and provide a centralized navigation experience. They allow for cross-site content aggregation, enabling organizations to create a unified view of information across multiple sites. Hub Sites help users discover and access content easily while maintaining a consistent look and feel.

What are Project Sites?

Project Sites are specifically designed for managing projects. They offer tools for task tracking, document collaboration, and timeline visualization. Project Sites provide a dedicated workspace for project teams to organize and execute their projects effectively.

What are Personal Sites?

Personal Sites, also known as My Sites, provide individual users with a personalized space to manage their own documents, tasks, and profile information. Personal Sites can be used to showcase skills, interests, and achievements, fostering a sense of individual ownership and expression within the organization.

What are Community Sites?

Community Sites enable organizations to create online spaces where employees, customers, or partners can engage in discussions, share knowledge, and collaborate on specific topics or interests. Community Sites foster a sense of community and help harness collective intelligence within the organization.

What are Knowledge Base Sites?

Knowledge Base Sites serve as repositories of knowledge and information within an organization. They provide a central location for creating, storing, and accessing company-wide knowledge articles, FAQs, and how-to guides. Knowledge Base Sites promote knowledge sharing and enhance the efficiency of support processes.